Monday, January 28, 2013

We made it! What's next...

The liver detox was a success!  I feel fantastic.  I have so much energy.  I can think clearly.  I cannot stress enough how amazed I am by this process.  I knew that a liver detox is very beneficial to achieving a more optimal level of health.  I cannot describe the difference I feel.  It is something that every person must experience.

I have learned that it is not enough to simply change your eating habits.  While this is very good and important to do, it is necessary to change your "filter".  Think about what would happen to your car if you never changed the oil.  It would start causing you problems and eventually break down.  Our bodies also need to be cleaned out to process food and absorb nutrients correctly. 

My level of inflammation was quite high.  I experienced a true detox the first night.  It was horrific.  It provided me with a visual of the massive toxic load stored in my body.

Now what?

I can introduce new foods into my diet.  I will want to do this very slowly and take notice at which foods cause me inflammatory stress.  Moving forward, I am going to cut back the amount of caffeine I drink each day.  I love a cup of coffee in the morning and will not cut it out completely but I will not rely on it to get me through the day.  I will also avoid gluten as much as possible.  This food additive is linked to many auto-immune diseases. 

I will continue taking the Alpha Base capsules, increasing the dose to four a day.  Alpha Base is an amazing pharmaceutical grade multivitamin. 

Fish oil and probiotics are two stables in my health regimen.  Fish oil is important for heart health, immune support and cognitive function.  Probiotics have a long list of benefits including maintaining optimal gut and immune health.

Finally, vitamin D.  It is so important to know your vitamin D level.  Almost everyone living in the midwest will need a vitamin D supplement.  We simply cannot get enough from the sun's rays (which we want to avoid anyway).  Vitamin D is essential in all aspects of health.  The following Web site is a great resource for vitamin D:

I maintained a weight loss of 6 lbs on the liver detox protocol.  This is a great jump start to a weight loss program.  We have seen an extraordinary amount of success with patients using low doses of HCG for weight loss.  A liver detox is actually the precursor to this program.  Your body will not allow you to lose weight after a certain point if your liver is not working optimally.  Our pharmacy offers an HCG consultation program that has been extremely successful.  My mother participated in this program.  She lost a lot of weight on HCG and says that having an expert hold her accountable and being a resource was the key to her weight loss success.

I will definitely do the Core Restore liver detox again.  My goal is to do it once a year.  I found it very beneficial to do it in a group.  Detoxing isn't a joyful experience.  Your body is eliminating stored toxins.  You will experience this in headaches, mood swings, body ache, hunger, etc...  It makes such a difference to know others are experiencing the same effects.  You are not alone in the process.  I now know what the end result feels like.  It is a breath of fresh air.  A new start.  I truly feel like a million bucks :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I feel SO good!

It's Day 6 and I feel great.  I did not know I could feel this good.  I have been feeling bad for so long that it turned into my normal.  I used to suffer from exhaustion, mood swings, body ache, poor sleep, etc...  I attributed this to stress, post partum, thyroid and my very busy life.  Meanwhile, I kept fueling my body with quick bites and easy, stress free meals.  I was not taking care of me.

The food choices we make are powerful.  The right choices will make us feel great.  The wrong ones will make us "crash".  I am completely taken aback by how much energy I have.  And, IT IS EASY!  Why did I think it was so difficult to eat right?  I was too exhausted to think about it before.  I am not too exhausted now.

One more day to go and then I can start introducing other REAL food items.

Maintained weight loss, 6 lbs total

Friday, January 25, 2013


I have tried a few recipes out of the Core Restore.  Some have been successful, some have not.  I would love to know what you have tried!  Please comment if you have a recipe to share, good or bad.

Day 4 wrap up

Today starts day 5.  I am continuing on the protocol by taking 2 Alpha Base capsules, 2 Phytocore capsules and 2 scoops of Core Support twice daily.  I also can eat certain food items.  I was hungry yesterday.  The food items I choose were not fulfilling me.  I bought some grass feed beef on my way home last night.  It was delicious.  I was missing meat :)  My belly was full and happy. 

Other than being hungry, everything went very well.  I did not suffer from a headache.  I felt positive, uplifted and in a good mood.

The fruit smoothie I drink every morning will remain a staple in my diet.  I combine 1 banana, 1/2 c. blueberries, 1/2 c. strawberries, 1 c. rice milk, 2 scoops of Core Support powder (full of protein, fiber and essential nutrients) and 1/2 c. ice.  It is delicious and turns me into a fireball of energy!

I lost 1 1/2 lbs  Total weight lost = 6 lbs

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 3 wrap up

Day 3 went very well.  I noticed I was (mentally) wanting food more than I had wanted it the previous days.  I chose the berry smoothie recipe out of the Core Restore Patient Guide for breakfast.  This smoothie provided me with a lot of energy.  I had an overall good feeling the entire day. 

I'm starting day 4 finally headache free!  I chose the smoothie again for breakfast and I am feeling strong and energized. 

I gained back 1 pound.  Total weight loss = 4.5 lbs

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 3 is finally here!

I am so excited!  It is day three and I can include meals in my liver detox protocol.  Last night went very well.  I did not have any "detoxing" episodes. 

I have a dull headache.  Inspight of this headache, I feel very well.  I am awake.  I feel energized.  I feel positive.  I feel good.

I started the detox knowing it was essential for my body.  I studied the detox and completely understand the science behind it.  I absolutely believe it is a "must do" for everyone.  I expected that it would make me feel better.  I was struggling with exhaustion, dark eye circles, foggy thinking, Hashimoto's disease, etc... I knew it would help with these issues.  I did not expect or even consider that it would clear the rash I had from a reaction to gold.  I have been fighting this rash since October.  It is gone!  Completely gone!  It was gone after the first elimination day.  I am astonished.

I lost another 3 lbs.  Total weight loss = 5.5 lbs.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I cheated

I cheated, slightly.  I ate a couple bites of raw veggies.  This is ok to do if needed.  I needed it.  Today was not too bad.  I wanted food more than I need food.  My stomach wasn't growling but I was looking forward to the smoothies and delicious recipes I am going to make tomorrow. 

I think I can officially say I made it!  The rest of the week should be a breeze. 

So excited!